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You're not riding the waves of life,


What is the Nature of Experience?

We do a lot of thinking about experience, and very easily create confusion around what we think about experience/reality, and how experience/reality actually IS. We stop noticing the difference. The resulting consensus, at its heart, is simply that - we believe that we know what reality is from moment to moment and so we live life accordingly. The truth though, which doesn't take too much looking into, is that reality is totally indefinable, and so the related assumptions that we live by, and suffer immensely through believing in, are bare approximations. Even then, these approximations and misinterpretations only present a very small portion of our field of experiencing. These assumptions point to ideas of separation and limitation which results in a sense of lack, fear, and seeking. We seek for experience to be appearing some way other than it is now.


Reality, this flow of experiencing, this presence, is already whole and complete. It is one thing, appearing as a dynamic flow of multiplicity. So when we seek some other experience we quite miraculously overlook this fact of wholeness, freedom, and fullness which creates all sorts of suffering. 


However, when we explore the nature of our present experience, however it is showing up for us, we come into a whole different felt experience of being alive, one that reveals non separation and the sense of self as this one seamless dynamic flow of life perceiving itself. We recognise that all that we are seeking we are already being.

However you are feeling right now, whatever you are experiencing right now - it's not a mistake. With an earnest curiosity and willingness to engage, all experience no matter how difficult it is felt to be can work as a powerful invitation to recognise this for yourself:


 'what is the nature of experience?

'What is all experiencing appearing in?' 



You are already and always engaged as this one single effortless flow of being.


You were never separate from life.

You are life.


No exceptions.






Right here.


Right now. 


​The true nature of experience as yourself is

'The Good News'! 


Nondual Therapy and mentorship is an expression, through the safety of therapeutic relationship, of this constantly present invitation to truly see and be seen as life, by life, with life - to recognise the inherent value, richness, miraculousness, and wonderment of all experience as yourself.  Even amidst the loneliest, darkest, and most frustrating and painful moments, there is here, always, an invitation to engage in a deeply compassionate inquiry into the nature of yourself, to truly see and be seen, and to recognise a sense of profound belonging, connection, depth, and beauty inside your own experience of being alive.


I am, flowing through myself, I am.

"Thank you again Amy. You are a rare blast of freshness and depth"       

"to love someone is to learn the song in their

heart and sing it back to them when they have forgotten it"   

Author Unknown


This endeavour, and adventure, is for the painfully aware, frustratingly curious, devastatingly lonely, the disconnected, the fearful, the confused, and the sincerely stuck. These experiences of course do not define us, but they do, when approached through intelligent engagement, reveal our way into exactly what is needed and longed for. That is, the truth that is the nature of experience. When we switch into a mode of being with and as life deeply aligned as this one single sentience that is expressing, unfolding, holding, and releasing all experience as the one life that we are. The illusion of separation born out of the idea that 'I am in here looking out at an objective world' is revealed. The result? Aware, open, engaged, flowing, and not to mention a sense of connection, belonging, inspiration, and meaning beyond measure - all inside your own experience of being alive as the empty-fullness of home. 

Hi, I'm Amy -
Nondual Psychologist, Therapist, and Mentor at The Green Light to Live

In ten years practicing as a Psychologist with the National Health Service - assessing, formulating, studying, teaching, researching, and delivering therapy - not once did I ask, or was asked, the question 'what is the nature of experience?'. All the work in resolving and alleviating pain and difficulty was spinning around the 'what' is happening in experience, as opposed to looking into the nature of experience itself. It wasn't until my own collapse around my mental health that the frustrating curiosity about the nature of all experience started to call from inside me. What followed was alluring, profound, and ever deepening. A wild unravelling of all the assumptions upon which my work and life had been built.

 Realising the nature of experience was a complete turning inside out and upside down of what I saw myself and life to be - in a really really good way. The outpouring of which is a life of beauty, depth, and meaning to all experiencing through the recognition and lived experience of this which is fundamentally me, and fundamentally you. 


The truth is, I don't know what I am, who I am, or where I am. I only know that I am. This is freedom. I am totally in love with reality.

It's taken a lot of exploring and integrating to bring my psychology and therapy practice back into life through this ever renewed realising as the nature of experience through intelligent engagement.


The Green Light to Live is my offering, invitation, and encouragement to be engaging in and living this life in a constantly new and extraordinary yet simultaneously ordinary and obvious way. 



Give up being liked for being rain

Give up being right for being the dawn chorus

​​Give up being healed for being light dancing at sunset

Then give up being rain

Then give up being the dawn chorus

​Then give up being the dancing light

And just keep doing that.

​Just notice.

                                          ​Amy x




£70 p/h 
concessions available


1-1 Nondual Therapy

Deep emotion and shadow work - moving into the felt sense of experiencing



Explore the nature of self and reality through inquiring into your experience directly


1-1 Self-inquiry

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Support and guidance in your unique process of recognising the true nature of reality. It can be tough when others around us aren't talking about this stuff, and beautiful to share with an impartial friend and guide along the wayless way.

1-1 Nondual Mentoring

My desire is that you may recognise solace, healing, and the profound realisation that love is the essence of your true nature.  Through nondual therapy, guided inquiry, and personalised mentoring, I offer a compassionate and transformative space for spiritual/life exploration and deep self knowing, whilst not losing sight of the expression of humanity.


“Amy offers a deeply intuitive space of holding and reflection. There’s no posture or position that she holds with regard to experience, and so the meeting is direct, heartfelt and profoundly spacious and wise. In our inquiry together, I’ve been able to both understand and deepen in the energetic aspects of being’s unfolding, whilst also attending to the wounded parts of human experience that have been denied inclusion. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

"Amy was everything I needed right now. Her freshness and aliveness of practice was so strong and she came across with such caring and deep listening that it felt such a natural space for me to share. I really appreciated the space she allowed to let things sink in and let the full meaning be felt. I also felt very emotional seeing how connected she was to allowing responses to come from a deeper place of wisdom, and that these responses seemed to touch a deeper truth in me. I feel very grateful for our time together."

"opening up isn't easy for me, I feel like I've lost my way, but in that moment I had a glimpse of something far greater than me"

"Honestly, that meeting was right on the spot. Since yesterday there is a big relief. The relief of "me" who controls. I "knew" the truth about thought but just to see so clearly that all of this happens by itself, its like WOW!. It's not that I have 'less thoughts'..but I always come back to effortlessness. I feel its like a train to infinity. I just have to choose constantly to stay here..."

"Thank you for sharing the beauty of Nondual Therapy and exploring the I Am with me. I am connecting and experiencing deeper awareness, loving consciousness, more clarity, and inner peace. It's been quite blissful! I am still learning how to express this knowing with clarity, but the awareness, expansion, and deep knowing has shifted my perspective and this is life changing! Thank you for guiding me home, to True Nature. I feel so much gratitude for the blessing you have brought me. Thank you."

 Fundamentally You
Zoom Group & Podcast


Nonduality & Nondual Therapy

Let's engage as reality, together

Subscribe to email list here to receive invites


"How wonderful to finally join your zoom today. It was indeed an experience beyond words. Thank you."

Podcasts & Interviews

Coming back into life - The Nonduality Podcast

The Miracle of Presence

The Nonduality Podcast pic.png

Spirituality in Psychotherapy -

The World Council for Health



My aim in all of my work is to share and support gentle facilitation through sacred safety and following the natural energetic awakening intelligence in the moment (the Sadguru), with a full inclusion of the human experience. 


Zoom sessions are not a free alternative for 1-1 therapy and mentoring. They are a different offering. If you are in need of Nondual Therapy, are experiencing financial hardship and also feeling particularly resonant with us working together, please let me know via email.


Whether you attend zoom or 1-1 sessions, I (Amy) am not liable for any perceived negative effects. Attending these sessions is your acknowledgement that you follow your own discretion and discernment and that you recognise that Amy is practicing freely without professional license or registration with a professional body. 

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